Why create a Wiggli account?

No matter what your ambitions are, you take total control of your career by completing your profile in just a few clicks: you access directly the offers of the companies that make you dream, you apply in one click, and you are notified at each stage of the recruitment process.
PS! If you update a skill or a certification, the companies that are specifically looking for this specific qualification will be notified and can contact you directly.

What happens when I apply?

Our commitment to candidates is very simple: a smooth and clear experience!


You will be notified at every stage of the recruitment process which can be different and depends on the company, the industry, and the job.


Find out more about each company you are interested in on their page.

What do you do with my data?

Remeber, you maintain 100% of control.


All the data you entrust to us is secure and remains at your disposal at any time (update, delete, etc.). This is one of our most important commitments: you keep the control!


Our solution has been designed to be 100% compliant with RGPD standards.

Do interviews have to be in-person?

Not necessarily! It will depend on the process that the company has defined.


The application directly integrates the interviews via video-conference. Part of the interviews can therefore be conducted remotely.

How can I find the offer that matches my expectations and/or the company that fits me?

We are aware that finding the company of your dreams is not easy!


Through these pages, we put forward both the available offers as well as the companies who have published these offers.


In this way, you will be able to project yourself (or not) to your future employer by sending your application directly to him/her: either via an existing offer or by spontaneous application.


We also give you the possibility to filter your search according to your most relevent criteria.

Does it cost anything?

Pssst! No,


you can create your account, search for the company of your dreams, and even get in touch with the recruiters. All this is 100% free.

What happens once I'm hired?

First and foremost, congratulations! ?


That's exactly why we designed this application! Your offer will be sent to you directly from the application as well as your contract as soon as you accept it.


No more papers needed!

Employer branding One platform. Infinite possibilities Vraag een demo aan
Uw gegevens zijn veilig bij ons

Gegevensbescherming is onze prioriteit, we voldoen aan de GDPR normen

Employer branding

© 2024 

Wiggli. Alle rechten voorbehouden
Employer branding One platform. Infinite possibilities Vraag een demo aan
Uw gegevens zijn veilig bij ons

Gegevensbescherming is onze prioriteit, we voldoen aan de GDPR normen

Employer branding
© 2024 Wiggli. All rights reserved.
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Je zult geen vacaturemeldingen meer ontvangen van dit bedrijf.
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